
Basic Digital Techniques & Applications - PART 3

23:49:00 Nandan Bhalwankar 0 Comments


This operation can also be said as NOT AND. If we consider 2 variables as A and B, then this operation is represented as – ‘A NAND B’. Since there are two Boolean variables (A and B) and two values (0 and 1) that these variables can hold, there are 4 possible combinations. These combinations are as follows:

5) NOR :

This operation can also be said as ‘NOT OR’. If we consider 2 variables as A and B, then this operation is represented as – ‘A NOR B’. Since there are two Boolean variables (A and B) and two values (0 and 1) that these variables can hold, there are 4 possible combinations. These combinations are as follows:

AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR are five basic logic gates. Combinations of these basic gates are known as ‘Hybrid Gates’, which are EX-OR and EX-NOR. Let us have a look at these hybrid gates.

6) EX-OR :

This logic gate is known as ‘Exclusive OR’ since its output goes high if it’s one of the inputs is 1 (true).  The output is 0 (false) if both of its inputs are 0 (false) or 1 (true).

Truth table of Exclusive-OR Gate

7) EX-NOR :

As the name indicates, it has opposite behavior as that of EX-OR gate. Hence as you would have correctly guessed,its output goes high / true / 1 when both of its inputs are same and false otherwise.

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